
世界黄金协会首席执行官泰达维: 把握数字时代机遇,构建最高诚信标准,推动行业可持续发展


Responsible Asset Owners Global Symposia - Europe 2021

The RAO global symposia helps the investment industry deliver ROI through responsible investing whilst building a more sustainable future. The event brings together fund managers, institutional investors, investment consultants, wealth managers and expert advisors.

Energy and Mines Africa Virtual Summit

The World Gold Council is pleased to be supporting the Energy and Mines Africa Virtual Summit, May 4-6. John Mulligan, Climate Change Lead, World Gold Council will be presenting on “Gold and Climate Change: The Energy Transition” at this international event focused on renewable energy for African mines in the context of the industry's wider energy, climate and ESG transition.


Inflation and Interest Rates: Impact on the Markets and Gold

With inflation and interest rates increasingly top of mind for investors, the World Gold Council, in partnership with State Street Global Advisors, invited renowned financial author and historian James Grant of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer to share his perspectives on the direction of monetary policy and implications for gold and the broader markets.



我们很高兴邀请您出席世界黄金协会、清华大学五道口金融学院和中国黄金协会在中国举办的 2019 年黄金投资峰会。本次会议汇聚了业内顶尖专家、资产所有者、学者、政策制定者和官方机构,共同讨论投资者目前所面临的主要长期挑战。
